Yoga with Me
Come bend, breathe and
bond with your child while getting back in shape,
in this fun and playful one hour class. Our one of
a kind Yoga with Me clas
s is challenging enough for regular practitioners, as
well as absolute beginners.
Kids will get in on all the
fun while we practice
flowing asanas, partner
poses, and plenty of tummy toning and strengthening exercises and games.
Relax and stay for complimentary tea afterwards. No yoga experience necessary.
Class is 1 hour
Story Time Yoga
Ages (3-5)
We'll play games, and
take fabulous yoga adventures to African savannas, Arabian deserts, and outer space.
Self expression is encouraged and belly laughs guaranteed as kids build strength, increase flexibility,
and learn how to focus and concentrate.
This energy releasing
yoga class will teach
kids how to calm down
and relax with basic
breathing exercises and creative visualizations.
Class is 1 hour
Emerge Yoga
Ages (13-15)
Our tween program is robust and challenging. We provide a safe, judgment free environment. Teaching ways to attain inner peace and outer strength. We focus on practicing flowing sequences, restorative yoga postures and deep relaxation.
Our instructors have specialized training to instruct teens. We keep it fun and upbeat and foster open communication between all participants. Our teens benefit from a Yoga practice as they deal with physical and emotional pressures.
Yoga gives them the tools to deal with prevalent teen issues such as acceptance, body image issues and peer pressure.
Class is 1 hour.
Dancer's Yoga
Grouped by
Ages (6-15)
One of the most
precious gifts Yoga
offers is the mind and
body experience. It
brings clarity and peace to the mind.
Some benefits are:
Clarity of the Mind
Improved Circulation
Improved Hip Mobility/Flexibility
Improved Lung Capacity
Posture Improvement
Purification of the Body
Strength/Muscle Toning
Stress Relief
Class is 1 hour.
Lotus Flower
Ages (6-9)
Children will learn a
variety of techniques and exercises to help them
relax and calm their minds,
as well as build strength, increase flexibility and improve coordination
Partner poses, group
games, self awareness
and respect for others
are emphasized in this
fun and creative class. .
Kids will practice
challenging yoga poses
and flowing asanas,
while playing games.
A great class for making
new friends and trying
new things.
Class is 1 hour
​Peaceful Warrior
Ages (10-12)
A great class to join with a BFF.
Our class just for tweens and a great transition class from our kids classes to our teen classes. Kids will practice balance poses flowing asana, headstands and arm balances .
We introduce great ways to relieve stress and anxieties with breathing and relaxation techniques.
Tweens are starting to deal with lots of new experiences and issues. At this age school is challenging socially and academically
We provide them with a place to come, be themselves while relaxing, getting fit, and having fun.
Class is 1 hour
Boys Only
Ages (6-12)
Our Boys Only class is
filled with games, and
tools to make their yoga sessions fun and meaningful.
The games and
activities used
teach boys about stress.
Using play based
learning, kids will
gain an understanding
of what stress is,
how to recognize it, and how yoga can
relieve stress.
This class is for
anyone who wants
to help boys get active, reduce stress, and
improve health
with yoga!
Class is 1 hour
Fit Yoga
​Age (10-15)